Writers Block? Already?

I would have thought that I haven’t been blogging long enough to suffer from writer’s block, but apparently I was wrong. It’s not that I don’t have anything worth writing about, it’s just that every time I open up a new post and start to write, it just doesn’t come together. I can’t find the right words, and when I do, I can’t figure out how to put them together the right way.

Le sigh.

Maybe I’m putting too much pressure on myself to write a great post every time, and it’s too intimidating to even start.

So, I think I’m just going to give you a run down of what’s been going on with me lately, and maybe one of these will turn into a post one day.


1. Work frustration
I think this is the beginning of the end for me at my job. I’m not saying I’m going to turn in my two weeks next Monday, but I’m starting to look beyond this job, and what I might be able to find at another place. I’m not being challenged by a lot of the projects that used to challenge me here. I find myself losing interest, and not caring if a project is perfect like I used to. I’m starting to get sick of some of the inner-office politics. I’ll most likely be here another year or so, but I no longer see myself at this place for an undetermined amount of time. There’s a vague time limit in my head of when I’ll need to move on.

2. Summer craziness
I can already feel myself stressing out about this summer. I don’t think it’s going to be the lazy summer I had hoped it would be coming out of grad classes. Here are some goals/plans etc. I have for myself:

-Update portfolio and resume. Update identity and get business cards made for myself.
-Work on website and identity for my mom and her business.
-Obtain other freelance work.
-Paint my kitchen.

And maybe some other small ones thrown in here and there, but those are the biggies. And that list coupled with a full-time job and traveling just about every other weekend is starting to look a little daunting. I always thought the people that said “there isn’t enough time in the day” just weren’t prioritizing their time efficiently. 24 hrs was more than enough time for me to do everything I needed to get done in the past, and sometimes it was too much time. Now I understand what they mean. Sometimes there really just isn’t enough time in the day for all the things I’d like to get done.

3. Evvvvvverbody’s getting hitched
Three of my friends/family got engaged in about a months time. I have four weddings so far lined up for next year, two that I’ll be standing up in. And I’m ecstatic. I love weddings. I love wearing the bridesmaid dresses, and standing up in front of the church. I love sitting at the bridal party table at the reception, and even dancing the electric slide. And I’m really and truly happy for the brides and grooms, and what that day means to them and their future. But I’m hoping it’ll stop at four. Anymore and my head might start to spin, and I’ll have to look for a part time job. Also, anybody know any cute single guys that might want to be my date?

4. I need to be a little smarter when I decide to get good and wasted
Last Friday was one of those nights where I knew I was going to get drunk. It was just a feeling, an impulse. I felt the need to let loose, and just have fun. So my friend and I walked down to my friendly neighborhood tavern, I gave them my credit card, and told them to keep ’em coming. We started talking and playing bags with two guys there. One was pretty cute, and they were both nice. I was telling them how mad I was that my garage door was broken, and how I had no idea how to fix it, or who to call to fix it. Next thing I know they’re offering to come fix it for me. It was 2 a.m. in the morning. The drunken part of my brain thought that sounded like a great idea! So they came over, at 2 a.m., and fixed my garage door. In hindsight, I’m glad the friend that was with me was a guy, and in the future I need to teach my drunk self that inviting two strange guys over at 2 a.m., for any reason, is probably not a good reason. Lesson learned. But at least my garage door works now 🙂

So that’s it for now. Hopefully I’ll get past this writer’s/creative block soon, and be back to writing a post about just one idea, not 4. And thanks so much for all the first kiss/date stories you shared on my last post! I enjoyed reading all of them. I know I’m too much of a romantic at times, but what can I say? I’m a sucker for romance 🙂

I hope you all have a great weekend!


~ by mary evelyn on June 12, 2009.

7 Responses to “Writers Block? Already?”

  1. That’s a lot of weddings. I only have two this year…and one was a couple of weeks ago. The next one is at the end of August. I’m in the wedding, so I don’t think I’ll take a date. (Unless I have a boyfriend by then…HAHA!) I don’t like the idea of trying to make someone feel comfortable when I’m having fun. Then it takes away the fun for me. Plus, there are always single guys at a wedding. If there isn’t, there’s always free booze, and if there isn’t any of that, you’re wasting your time. Get the heck out of there and go to the bar!

  2. I have, literally, dozens of friends engaged right now. The only reason their weddings haven’t totally bankrupted me is that I moved away and now just send cards and a gift card or something. Seriously. It’s ridiculous. 3 friends got engaged THIS WEEK alone!
    *sigh* That time of life, I guess.
    When I get writer’s block, I just go stream of consciousness (oh, what I am I saying, that’s what I do all the time). I just pick the most recent thing I was thinking about and GO. Sometimes it turns out good, but more often than not they just sit in drafts. I just have to get into the groove of writing stuff out and eventually I feel like something is worth posting 🙂

  3. I only have one wedding to speak of but that’s not the point, don’t worry about the writers block, if I had to guess I would say 90% of my posts are rubbish with a few good ones thrown in, so you can definitely have some ridiculous ones credited to your name haha.

  4. Oh I know that feeling about your job…I felt that way about my job about two years ago. The feeling has now turned into hate, loathing and hoping I get fired so I can collect.

    I love weddings too! I’ve never been in one (well other than my own) but I love getting dressed up to go. I love the dancing and seeing what the bride picked for decor and food, etc. I don’t have any weddings on the horizon, which is a bummer.

    Be careful about getting drunk, you’re right that it can be dangerous. Over the winter I got totally bombed while out with a friend of a friend I hardly know and I don’t remember most of the night. I consider myself very lucky to have gotten home safely and without major incident. (When I got home I collapsed into a snowbank in front of my house and my ex-husband had to carry me in and put me to bed, where I continued to puke all over myself and everything else. Funny now, but not so the following day lol)

  5. with summer kicking off, I can understand the blahhh feeling. and blahh in blogging. I feel the same way. It will all be better soon!
    Take Care!:)

  6. Nice. We went to a wedding once, at a gazillionaires house…whole ‘nother world.
    Yeah, for some folks, that is normal !
    Nice to visit, tho!

  7. […] fill up my days and weekends leaving no time for design. I know I’ve complained about this before (and I’m sorry the majority of my posts have been me complaining, I’ll try and work on […]

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